
Book of Fred

Book of Fred


Dad Jokes

Dad Jokes


Go the F**k to Sleep

Go the F**k to Sleep


How it Works: The Cat

How it Works: The Cat


How it Works: The Dad

How it Works: The Dad


How it Works: The Husband

How it Works: The Husband


How it Works: The Student

How it Works: The Student


How it Works: The Wife

How it Works: The Wife


Is it Bedtime Yet?

Is it Bedtime Yet?


Little Book of Summer

Little Book of Summer


One Day Smarter

One Day Smarter


Stay Woke  Kids!

Stay Woke Kids!


Super Dad Jokes

Super Dad Jokes


To the Best Teacher

To the Best Teacher


Well Hello

Well Hello


Where the Wild Dads Went

Where the Wild Dads Went


Wit and Wisdom of Dad

Wit and Wisdom of Dad


Wit and Wisdom of Grandma

Wit and Wisdom of Grandma


Wit and Wisdom of Sister, The

Wit and Wisdom of Sister, The


Wit and Wisdom of the Wife

Wit and Wisdom of the Wife


67 People I'd Like to Slap

67 People I'd Like to Slap


Brief History of Vice

Brief History of Vice


Dad Man Walking

Dad Man Walking


Dog Walks Into a Bar...

Dog Walks Into a Bar...
